The Dream of the Kingdom of Aquarius
Where in friendship with water we live,
There the otter’s visage unblemished remains,
Its sanguinary desire for life the precious stays.
May our waters soon become
The kingdom of Aquarius again!
Iztok Geister
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Environmental impact assessments (EIA)
Opinions and advice
Assistance in obtaining grants
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Who is Who?
How can You help?
Lutra, the Institute for the Conservation of Natural Heritage is a non-governmental and non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of nature in Slovenia. We have been working continuously in this field since 1998, also because of a high number of supporters which are contributing to our work. How can you help us?
Work of the Institute and the Aqualutra centre can be supported with a donation. You can send an amount of your choice at any time to our account:
IBAN: SI56 0284 3026 5257 641 (NLB d. d.), Ljubljana).
Give us a portion of your income tax
The Personal Income Tax Act (Zakon o dohodnini) allows all taxpayers to dedicate up to 0,5 % of their personal income tax to non-governmental organizations, including the Institute Lutra. Donation of personal income tax to non-governmental organizations is free, since this amount would otherwise be left in the state budget but to us this financial contribution means a lot. You can send a request for a part of personal income tax electronically with a digital certificate (via eDavki system) or by post to the Finančni urad Ljubljana, Davčna ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana.
The grant lasts until it is canceled. If you had donate us a part of your personal income tax in the past years, you do not have to re-send the form.
You can also support our work by purchasing in our online shop. We offer an interesting set of carefully made products related to otter and aquatic ecosystems,. Delight your closest with a special gift and help nature!