Drops of Science

Water is a natural good, a condition for life on Earth. In the water balance on our planet, fresh water presents only 2.5 percent of which less than 1 percent is accessible. In the last hundred years, water consumption has increased 6 times. Already today, there are many countries in the world where lacks clean drinking water. The population growth and climate changes can with the current use and consumption of water lead to a major global water crisis. In addition, its quality is influenced by rising emissions of dangerous substances. Slovenia is rich in water, although they not evenly spatially distributed. As in most European countries, even in Slovenia, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive, we manage water resources. The priority is to eliminate adverse impacts on water, to provide water of adequate quality for humans and natural ecosystems and to preserve their biodiversity. In other words, water must become more valued to us.

Title Droplets of Science hides two key elements of the program: water and science. Water does not appear when we open the tap and does not disappear in the drainage channel. With the program we wanted to emphasize the holistic approach of water and water resources in education. The program was designed to include the whole educational vertical – from a child in kindergarten to a student. With the program we wanted to reach as many young people as possible from all over Slovenia, so we cooperated with the Society for Environmental Education in Europe (DOVES), which is implementing the Eco-school project as a way of life. The program was also supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.

We organized summer research camps for pupils, professional excursions and workshops, web conferences and a competition for the logo of the program and a drawing contest on the topic Life in the water.

We made an interactive website www.izobrazevanje.lutra.si which offers comprehensive information on water, inland ecosystems, water use, water analysis methods, water status, etc.


Title: Droplets of Science

Applicant: Lutra, Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage

Co-financier: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

Duration: from September 2008 to October 2009